Monday 25 November 2013


Along with the continue research and design layouts, I have been trying to think of a name for my magazine. Here are many variations. Some good, some not:

  • Hack
  • UniLife
  • StudentLife
  • Rising Giants
  • Now & Beyond
  • Visions
  • Viewport
  • Life Lens
  • Lens Life
  • OnLife
  • Optional
  • iStudent
  • Certified
  • Under
  • Unii
  • 18
  • NUF
  • Above 18
  • Direction 18
  • XV111
  • Versity 18
  • U-18
  • 8Teen
  • Social hub

At the moment I am quite struggling for a name. I am trying to incorporate the meanings as its a:
  • 18 and above magazine for university students but may have younger audience for potential students such as 16 or 17 year olds.
  • A fun magazine about university experience containing enjoyable things to do, but not your stereotypical drinking.

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