Monday 11 November 2013

Meeting 1

Throughout this project, every fortnight I will meet with my lectures regarding my major project. After todays meeting we discussed my idea. i thought the meeting went well and my idea seemed okay. Some topics off discussion were my abilities to complete this regarding the coding behind it and some thought my coding skills were not that advanced, so some advised me to slim down the idea as they knew that some of the frameworks shuck as Facebook were quite complicating. This is a fair judgement as i don't want to struggle and then forget about the whole project. So they suggested I focus solely on the twitter framework and how I could redesign it to a degree.

Some tips left by my lectures for the coming weeks were to think about the balance of coding and visual design for a new range of smart devices. By this i think they mean a device that does not already have twitter design for it. By researching the term smart device I gathered a little bit of knowledge. From my understand a smart device is a phone to a tablet or a computer. So this led me to think, have smart T.V. got twitter. the answer yes. This raise of a topic has left me curious so I shall look deeper into this.

Another issue brought up was to develop a secondary idea that validates the main one.

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