Wednesday 13 November 2013


Change of idea.

After meeting with lectures and discussing how I feel about my current idea with how I may struggle further down the line with coding etc. They seemed to back me up with the change, saying it is better to say now instead of wasting several months to find out that I may not complete it.

After expressing about the change, I suggested about my second idea of doing an digital interactive magazine. This seemed to go down well as it is more suited to my course and how I could revisit my previous idea when I have improved on my coding skills as it is still something I would like to do in the future.

After suggesting about doing a magazine, they wanted to know about a topic. At that point I had none, except for suggesting something on Swansea. They advised to slim this idea down as doing Swansea is a broad subject as you got sports, fashion, music, nightlife, culture and many others. After running through some topics, it was suggested to do something for my age range and what I like doing whether it be Swansea or not. Another interesting topic suggested was my home town of Bridgend, as they were unfamiliar about Bridgend they suggested that I do this so they can see what Bridgend is like. Another idea suggested is to do something like the swansea mile, where I could take photos of my walk and then others with the magazine can retrace my steps and take there very own pictures.

I think I wanna stay away the more popular topics such as football, movies or fashion as it would be very common and maybe easy. I'd want the topic to be original.

Aims for the coming days:

  • Topic Idea
  • Start organising presentation
  • Research into topic
  • Continue blog

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