Sunday 10 November 2013



Welcome to my blog relating to the process of my final major project. During the coming weeks I will be updating this blog with details regarding the state of my fmp. The aim of this blog is to give insight into the process of my fmp and may enable viewers to repeat the task by reading my posts.

Aims -

During this process I hope to improve some key skills, One being able to blog. During past projects when tasked to keep a detailed blog I have failed to do so. Previously I would only write a short paragraph lacking any detail but only when I remember to do so. My personal opinion on blogging is I would rather spend the 5-10 minutes it takes to create a post by continuing with the work rather than write down what i done that day. Even without any thought I may do it everyday in the sense of posting on Facebook and twitter.
A major part of this project is to present the work completed at three different stages. So a skill I need is public speaking. This is one of my pet hates for reasons unknown I become all nervous like many others. This project will help me be more confident when speaking as there are three presentations to present.
Another personal aim is to develop my organisational skills. With a long project, being organised from the start will help the end result. This includes time manegment and being able to plan ahead.

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